AGM & Committee Meetings

Previous AGM/Meeting

Monday 14 September - 7:30 PM to 10:00 pm

AGM 2015

Notice of 2016 AGM - Agenda and Minutes

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 14th September 2015

1. Apologies

Janet Clegg, Steve Burke, John and Sally Goodman, Janice Tolson

2. Minutes of AGM 2014.

It was unanimously carried that these minutes were a true record of the meeting. 

3. Matters arising

Pinnacle Project and Bellman Quarry project reports will follow the Treasurer’s report.

4. Chairman’s Report September 2015. AGM

Looking back over a full year, I am always amazed at how much has gone on in Clitheroe Civic Society.

Our monthly meetings have been well attended, and members and visitors alike have enjoyed such a variety of topics: James Dixon’s work at Blackburn orphanage; the rebuilding of Ypres; the Padiham to Whalley turnpike and the huge audience for Gordon’s History of Littlemoor Corn Mill.

Everything is reported on our website and Alan Dixon does an amazing amount of hard work keeping the website up-to-date and it now links with the Pinnacle Project and blog. I find it invaluable and I hope you all use it too.

This year has been extremely busy for the committee and I sincerely thank each committee member. Fantastic work and never daunted by challenges.

Fundraising for the Pinnacle Project meant months of planning. The Cheese and Wine evening at Downham Hall will long be remembered as a highlight of the year. Dorothy Falshaw, Shirley Penman and Olwyn Claydon were responsible for the meticulous attention to details which culminated in a perfect evening. I kept my beautiful ticket as a memento. Thank you ladies, and for raising £1,200.

Steve Burke organised a concert at The Grand which was a great relaxed evening and raised £750.

A combination of patience, tenacity and courtesy is fairly rare in a person. Yet Alan Dixon manages this. His Town Trail booklet needed large doses of each before it was finally printed and now  STOP PRESS! Alan has today (with John Rowley’s help) brought back to Clitheroe, from Burnley, all the past bound copies of Clitheroe Advertiser and Times dating back to the 1870s. When they have been archived, they will be available at Clitheroe Town Council office where special shelves have been built. What a marvellous resource! Alan, you have done such a wonderful job which has taken so long to achieve. Thank you.

Sadly we are losing Olwyn Claydon, John Goodman, Dorothy Falshaw and Shirley Penman from the committee. Each of them has worked so hard for the society. John and Olwyn have given long term support, going way back to the fight to save the frontage of the old hospital and before. Thank you all four. Your contribution will be greatly missed.

Thank you to the two poster distributors, Eileen Clegg and Kath Duckworth. Every month the posters are out in good time and bring in visitors to the talks. It is a vital job. As I mentioned in the bidding letter, Tony Goodbody has produced 100 posters for meetings. That is about 12 years! What fantastic dedication. Tony has always taken such trouble to get the right image. Thank you, Tony. I would also like to mention Tony’s latest book on the Postal History of Clitheroe. There are some available this evening so see Tony afterwards.

On planning and development, we are now mainly powerless. With increasing control from central government and constant changes in planning regulations, we have little chance of being heard. The Core Strategy has been accepted.

Thank you to John and John for providing the refreshments at meetings. They are most welcome.

I think it is fair to say that this past year has been an exceptionally busy, fruitful and enjoyable year. Finally, I hope that many members will volunteer to take on some job to spread the workload.

I now call on Tony Goodbody to give the Treasurer’s Report. When Tony volunteered to be treasurer for a year only, he did not envisage all the extra work of dealing with the pinnacle project. Thankfully he has agreed to stay as Treasurer until the project is finished. Thank you, Tony. You are doing a wonderful job.

 5.  Treasurer’s Report

Tony Goodbody declared that moneys in the society account and the pinnacle fund were adequate to meet needs. However, he proposed that the subscription be raised to £18 from January 2016. This was accepted by members.

6. Report on Bellman Park Quarry

Gordon Taylor reported that great progress had been made especially in clearing trees and in lowering the water level. English Heritage did a scan of the building and are pressing the need for more conservation work. Meetings have been held between Hanson’s and English Heritage but nothing further has happened.

7. Report on Pinnacle

The contractors are ahead of schedule and have completely dismantled the pinnacle.

8. Election of Offices and Committee Members

Chairman Pauline Wood NB Pauline stressed that she would not be available as chairman from August 2016 but would stay on the committee if needed.

Steve Burke volunteered to join the committee and Ruth Thompson volunteered to write up some press releases after speakers. Dorothy Jackson has agreed to contact speakers.

This event happened at a committee meeting after the AGM: Steve Burke volunteered to be Vice Chairman for this coming year. His offer was accepted unanimously by the committee.  

Also Olwyn Claydon has agreed to be Assistant Treasurer to help Tony at the desk and she will also continue to update membership lists and membership cards.

Thanks to all volunteers.


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Monday 02 September 2024

Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 2nd September 2024


 Chairman’s welcome/introduction.

Apologies for absence.

3.0 Minutes of AGM 2023.

 3.1 Approval of Minutes.

 3.2 Matters arising from minutes.

4.0 Amendment to Constitution.

5.0 Chairman’s Report.

6.0 Treasurer’s Report.

7.0 Eelection of Officers.

8.0 Election of General Committee.

9.0 Any Other Business.



Monday 04 September 2023

Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 4th September 2023


 1. Chairman’s welcome/introduction.

2.  Apologies for absence.

3. Minutes of AGM 2022.

 3.1 Approval of Minutes.

 3.2 Matters arising from minutes.

4.  Chairman’s Report.

 5. Treasurer’s Report.

6.  Election of Officers.

7.  Election of General Committee.

8.  Any Other Business.

Monday 05 September 2022

Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 5th September 2022


Chairman’s welcome/introduction.

 Apologies for absence.

 Minutes of AGM 2021.

 3.1 Approval of Minutes.

 3.2 Matters arising from minutes.

 Chairman’s Report.

 Treasurer’s Report.

 Election of Officers.

 Election of General Committee.

 Any Other Business.

Monday 06 September 2021

Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 6th September 2021


 Chairman’s welcome/introduction.

 Apologies for absence.

 Minutes of AGM 2020.

 3.1 Approval of Minutes.

 3.2 Matters arising from minutes.

 Chairman’s Report.

 Treasurer’s Report.

 Election of Officers.

 Election of General Committee.

 Any Other Business.



Monday 07 September 2020

Annual General Meeting 2020 Agenda

Due to current Covid Regulations on Public Meetings the meeting to be held ‘virtually’ using Zoom Conferencing’