AGM & Committee Meetings
Previous AGM/Meeting
AGM 2021
Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 6th September 2021
Chairman’s welcome/introduction.
Apologies for absence.
Minutes of AGM 2020.
3.1 Approval of Minutes.
3.2 Matters arising from minutes.
Chairman’s Report.
Treasurer’s Report.
Election of Officers.
Election of General Committee.
Any Other Business.
Minutes of Meeting
CCS Annual General Meeting - 2021
Monday 6th September 2021 - 19:30hrs – Assembly Hall, Lowergate
Chairman’s Welcome
In the absence of chairman, Peter Llewellyn, due to health reasons, Society Secretary, John Spencer requested that for the purposes of this meeting, he be elected as acting chairman. The suggestion was proposed by Judy Driver and seconded by Steve Ragnall. All were in favour with no objections.
John welcomed all present including old and new members and those who were attending as guests.
Apologies for Absence
A record of members attending was made by Olwyn Claydon in the Meeting Attendance Register. Apologies for absence were:
Peter Llewellyn, Barbara Alty, Muriel Wilson, William Sprunt, Steve Burke, Brian Davies and Alan Scholfield.
Minutes of AGM 2020
The Minutes of the previous AGM (7th September, 2020) had been circulated to members with the Bidding Notice.
Proposal to accept the minutes as a true record made by Olwyn Claydon and seconded by Steve Ragnall. This was unanimously approved by the attending members.
There were no matters arising from the 2020 Minutes.
Chairman’s Report (Delivered by way of pre-recording video)
“Good evening, everyone and sorry that I can't be with you in person as I have Covid and am isolating at present. I certainly hope to be with you at the next meeting.
Thanks to all of our members who supported the Society over the past 12/18 months which has been a difficult period for many. The Society was able to continue monthly presentations through Zoom and many of our members were able to attend these which was fantastic. Thanks to all the presenters and those who were able to attend.
The last year has not seen the Society standing still although of course there remains much to be done.
I'd like to start by thanking the officers and Committee of the Society who between them keep the show on the road - also to you as members for continuing to support us.
I'd also like to thank Michael Parkinson who is standing down as a committee member this time after many years of support for the Society. Michael will continue to be involved with planning matters which is great and I once again thank Michael for all of his contributions on behalf of the Society.
Thanks again to all those who helped to bring the CAT archive work to a successful conclusion where the Society has now been able to secure this valuable record for the future in our archives. An article in the CAT and Castle View and also our own Journal (the copy before last) detailed more about all of the people who helped to make this happen - thank you once again.
Thanks also to Gordon Taylor and the Kilns working group who have worked tirelessly to ensure that the recently progressed stabilisation work to the majority of the top of the kilns has been completed and most of the top has been turfed. Work continues I believe to provide covers for the kiln pots themselves. This puts the kilns in a better position despite lockdown however there is much still to be done in the future should funding be secured and I hope that all those involved to date will continue to be involved over the coming months and years.
Then there's our Treasurer Barbara Alty, who has spearheaded Cultivating Clitheroe in partnership with the Rotary clubs of Clitheroe and Ribblesdale. Barbara and her crew have been very busy over the last few months tidying and weeding areas in the Conservation area in addition to new planting and new planters and making a fantastic difference - thanks again to all of the volunteers who have been involved so far and there's more to come.
Then to the Wells - over the last year the Wells Group became the Clitheroe Town Wells Conservation Campaign with the aim of encouraging the Council to register the other two town wells in addition to Stock Well which they registered some time ago. We really need to protect these heritage assets and that's the best way of ensuring that this can happen. This topic is on the agenda at next month's (Oct) full council meeting and I do hope that we see some progress there. More on this in due course.
Heritage Open Days this year will partly focus on our town wells and I'm pleased to say that Shirley Penman has volunteered to provide events at each well including Roland Hailwood on Thursday 16th and Saturday 18th September, starting at 11 a.m. at Stock Well on each day. Please do attend if you are able to. Thanks again to Shirley as without her these events would simply not have happened.
There's much more to say and not enough time and I must let you get on with the rest of the evening and the presentation to come. Once again, it's fantastic to have members, guests, visitors etc all here tonight. I have no doubt that the Civic Society will continue to go from strength to strength with your support so thank you once again and enjoy the evening.
Treasurer’s Report
Although not present due to sickness, Barbara Alty (Treasurer) provided a written report, which was read by the acting chairman, who also added that if there are any questions regarding financial matters, members were invited to send an email to Barbara Alty, who would reply to any questions raised:
“The Society’s financial activities have been minimal as a result of Covid 19. Despite our concern that income would reduce to a minimum, we have kept our head above water and maintained a healthy position, with bank and cash balances totalling £6200.86, of which an amount of £229.14 is held in C.A.T. restoration reserves, should any additional expenses be incurred.
Interest of £0.04 was credited to our Money Manager Account. At least we don’t pay any bank charges!
Excluding C.A.T. transactions, income exceeded expenditure by £252.12 but this is only a result if the early payment of corporate subscription for 2021/2022 by Hanson Cement. We are extremely fortunate to have their continued sponsorship.
Our secretary, John Spencer’s expertise in setting up and managing the Zoom platform, enabled us to continue presenting most of our planned programme of talks, and income from visitors was a welcome £201.00. Less than at live meetings of course, but much better than expected. Average attendance at the nine Zoom meetings was 48 members and guests.
We continue to attract new members. Membership currently stands at 80, plus four Corporate and two Honorary members.”
The meeting was informed that the accounts, which had already been provided to members, had been independently audited by the appointed scrutineer, Emyr Lloyd-Davies.
The meeting was asked to accept the Treasurer’s report as a true record of the Society’s financial situation. This was proposed by Sue Hind and seconded by Valerie Grooby and accepted unanimously.
Election of Officers
Chairman, Peter Llewellyn, Secretary, John Spencer and Treasurer, Barbara Alty.
The three officers have indicated a willingness to continue in their respective posts. Following the Bidding Notice, no other nominations have been forthcoming. Michael Parkinson proposed that the three officers be re-elected, and this was seconded by Graham Claydon. Unanimously approved.
Election of General Committee Members
Janet Clegg, Geoff Errington, Valerie Grooby and Janice Tolson have indicated a willingness to continue in their roles
A motion to re-elect all of the above named was proposed by Shirley Penman and seconded by Sue Reddin. and accepted unanimously.
Ruth Smith and Andrew Schofield volunteered to join the General Committee and this was proposed by Steve Ragnall and seconded by Judy Driver. Unanimously agreed.
Any Other Business
There were no items of AOB.
The AGM was formally closed at 19:50hrs.
Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 2nd September 2024
Chairman’s welcome/introduction.
Apologies for absence.
3.0 Minutes of AGM 2023.
3.1 Approval of Minutes.
3.2 Matters arising from minutes.
4.0 Amendment to Constitution.
5.0 Chairman’s Report.
6.0 Treasurer’s Report.
7.0 Eelection of Officers.
8.0 Election of General Committee.
9.0 Any Other Business.
Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 4th September 2023
1. Chairman’s welcome/introduction.
2. Apologies for absence.
3. Minutes of AGM 2022.
3.1 Approval of Minutes.
3.2 Matters arising from minutes.
4. Chairman’s Report.
5. Treasurer’s Report.
6. Election of Officers.
7. Election of General Committee.
8. Any Other Business.
Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 5th September 2022
Chairman’s welcome/introduction.
Apologies for absence.
Minutes of AGM 2021.
3.1 Approval of Minutes.
3.2 Matters arising from minutes.
Chairman’s Report.
Treasurer’s Report.
Election of Officers.
Election of General Committee.
Any Other Business.
Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 6th September 2021
Chairman’s welcome/introduction.
Apologies for absence.
Minutes of AGM 2020.
3.1 Approval of Minutes.
3.2 Matters arising from minutes.
Chairman’s Report.
Treasurer’s Report.
Election of Officers.
Election of General Committee.
Any Other Business.