AGM & Committee Meetings

Previous AGM/Meeting

Monday 7 September - 7:00 PM to 8:54 pm

AGM 2020

Annual General Meeting 2020 Agenda

Due to current Covid Regulations on Public Meetings the meeting to be held ‘virtually’ using Zoom Conferencing’

This is the final notice to members to attend the Annual General Meeting of Clitheroe Civic Society on 7th September 2020
1. Present: To be recorded in the Meeting Register
Those present will be as recorded from the recording of the ‘Zoom Conference’

2. Apologies
Apologies received prior to the AGM will be recorded

3. The minutes of the AGM 2019*
3.1 Approval
3.2 Maters Arising

4. Chairman’s Report*
4.1 Queries or comments

5. Treasurer’s Report*
5.1 Queries or comments on report
5.2 Approval of Accounts for year end
5.3 Approval of Subscriptions for next year

6. Amendments to Constitution
6.1 Clause 4. Proposed Amendment to Clause 4: Subscriptions shall run from the 1st of August to 31st July. The amount to be decided each year at the May Meeting of the Society and payment to become due at the Annual General Meeting.
6.2 Proposed addition to Clause 7. Clause 7 (ii): Members of the Committee are expected to attend each of the 6 meetings held annually. Prior notice should be given in respect of any absence. Failure to attend at least 50% of the meetings in any membership year may, at the discretion of the committee, be grounds for removal from the Committee.

7. Election of officers and committee members (by members only)
Election of Officers. Approval sought as a single motion for: re-election of Steve Burke as Chairman and Barbara Alty as Treasurer and the election of John Spencer to replace Michael Parkinson, who stands down this year, as Secretary. NB. No other nominations received for these Offices.

8.0 Any Other Business

Following the AGM it is proposed that the first of our illustrated presentations of the 2020-21 cycle of Public Talks will be made by John Lambert, entitled ‘The Road to Upbrooks’.
Steve Burke
Clitheroe Civic Society
7th August 2020
* indicates support documents attached to be issued by 4th Sept.

Chairman: Steve Burke, 6 Claremont Avenue, Clitheroe, BB7 1JN. 01200 425528
Treasurer: Barbara Alty, Shaw Cottage Shawbridge St Clitheroe BB7 1LZ 01200 42935
Secretary: Michael Parkinson, Beechcroft, Back Commons, BB7 4DX Clitheroe, 01200 422660

Minutes of Meeting

Annual GeneralMeeting 2020 Monday 7th September2020 MINUTES OF MEETING

Location: Due to current Covid Regulations on Public M eeting the m eeting to be held ‘virtually’ using Zoom Conferencing’. Present: A record of those present w as m ade by Mem bers Barbara Alty and Olwyn Claydon and is recorded in the Society’s attendance Register. This confirm ed that there w ere 41 members in attendance and that the M eeting w as clearly quorate from the outset and duration of the m eeting. No Visitors were recorded which in the circum stances was not surprising.

1.0 Chairman’s Introduction

Chairman, Steve Burke (SB), welcomed all attending Clitheroe Civic Society’s 2020 AGM, presented – and attended – under unusual circumstances this year. He thanked all for having taken the trouble to join the Meeting using the Zoom Conference software and especially to those who were using this for the first time.
From the ‘Screen View’ of attendees it was apparent that the meeting was ‘Quorate’. He reminded any ‘Virtual Visitors’ attending that voting on the motions to be considered was for Members only.
SB then introduced Committee Member John Spencer (JS) who explained the procedures and protocol for how the virtual meeting would be conducted so as all could benefit from the meeting and subsequent presentation by John Lambert on ‘The Road to Up-Brooks’. On completion of this he was thanked for this by Steve and additionally for all the preparation and training exercises he co-ordinated before the event to ensure it could place.
All attending the AGM had been notified that our Secretary for the past three years, Michael Parkinson (MP) was to stand down this year. MP was on holiday in the remote Highlands and Islands of Scotland and thus unable to attend the AGM. In his absence, it was necessary to appoint an Acting Secretary until the new one was elected later in the meeting.
SB proposed that he take on this role. This was seconded by the Treasurer, Barbara Alty (BA) and the motion was carried unanimously.

 2.0 Apologies for Absence

SB Reported that he had received apologies from the following members:

Michael Parkinson, Valerie Grooby, Maureen King, Sue Hind, Alan Osborne, Janet Clegg, Ann Goodbody.

 3.0 The minutes of the AGM 2019

3.1 Approval:       Copies of the Minutes of the 2019 AGM had been circulated prior to this AGM to all members and SB proposed that these be accepted as a true and accurate record of that meeting. This was seconded by BA and those minutes were unanimously approved.
3.2 Matters Arising:       There were no matters arising raised by members.

4.0 Chairman’s Report:

SB Delivered the following Report

 “I will try to keep these as brief as possible and not to duplicate what has been included in the Autumn Newsletter which you should all have received, within the last 48 hrs, and - I hope - fully digested. My address this year is mainly in the form of thanks to members of this Society and through these I think we can all gain insight into the activities we promote and have being doing for almost 60 years now.
First, my thanks to all of our members for their support over the last twelve months and in particular over the past unusual five months which few - if any of us here - will have previously experienced. This pandemic is definitely one of the defining events of our lives and many remain so for some time to come for those who follow on from us. It must not, in my opinion be allowed to become THE defining event of our lives.

 Life must continue regardless, and this Society has an important role to play in preserving and promoting the valued local heritage, bequeathed by our forebears. Many will try to use Covid as an excuse for lack of action on many issues that are of importance to local communities such as the ancient Borough of Clitheroe. Both building and environmental conservation are often seen as the ‘first expendables’ in times of uncertainty. This I believe must be resisted by Societies such as ours. Covid 19 must not be allowed as an excuse for inaction as to allow this will put into jeopardy many of the things our forebears most valued and our descendants deserve to be able to share, appreciate and – in turn pass on.

 My specific thanks must also be given to our retiring Secretary Michael Parkinson for his work as Treasurer, when Tony Goodbody retired in 2016, and subsequently as Secretary until now. Thankfully, Michael will remain a valued member of the Society and the Committee. Thanks also to the following:

 To Kath Duckworth for delivering our Public Meeting Posters. Kath is furloughed for the time being but hopefully will take up this important communications role as soon as it is possible to return to Public Meetings once again.

 To Shirley Penman, Jean Parkinson, and Janet Clegg for their work on the CAT restoration project.. More on this in the Winter Newsletter but we are now near completion with only nine volumes left to be dealt with.

 To Andrew Schofield for his assistance to Shirley on the CAT volumes and his establishment of the Clitheroe Sound Archive. This has been interrupted by Covid but despite this we are about to relaunch it using the present technology where face to face meetings are not possible.

 To our front of house team – when we had a house to front - of Olwyn Claydon and Barbara Alty and our Hospitality Team when, once again, we could offer Hospitality – of Janet Clegg and Analisa Smith - and to Janet once again for printing of posters flyers and newsletters.

 To Geoff Errington who manages the day to day entries on the Website and to ‘backroom boy’ John Flanagan - our webmaster who, of his own accord, has also been working on how we can take full advantage of the recent digitisation of the CAT Volumes.

 To Gordon Taylor David Taylor, Shirley Penman, Janice Tolson and Andrew Collinson – the Bellmanpark Limekilns Project Group. Without their hands-on dedication over the past six years the £15o.0k Heritage England Grant Award, to fund the conservation works which are currently on site , would not have been possible.

 To Shirley Penman, once again for her concise, informative – and prompt - press reports on our Public Meetings and hopefully will do once again when these recommence.

Finally to Our Treasurer, Barbara Alty, who ably manages the complexities of our financial affairs will skill, lucidity and most importantly keeps us solvent and we will see and hear how, from Barbara shortly. And finally to Mike Watkins who does the annual scrutiny of our accounts.

 We are relaunching our initiative to secure the future of Clitheroe’s three wells. This is reviewed in the Newsletter. RVBC want to distance themselves from their historic responsibility for the wells. I believe it this Society’s and a reenergised Town Wells Working Group to pursued them that they are wrong in this.

 Despite the impact of Covid we have contributed three events to this year’s HODs. This year’s theme is ‘HIDDEN LANDSCAPE’ and those interested in this event and this theme will be fully rewarded by visiting the HOD website and our own for details of how you can actually or visually take part in this year’s event. Once again details are set out in the Autumn Newsletter and on the website.

There is much more to say about this Society but no more time tonight. Thanks once again for your continued support and for ‘turning out tonight’. Please do stay with us through the business part of this meeting as you will certainly be rewarded for doing so by John Lambert and his presentation of ‘The Road to Up-Brooks. Thank you for your patience during this Address. I now pass you over to our Treasurer, Barbara Alty, for her Annual Report.”

5.0 Treasurer’s Report: 

Accredited Accounts for the Year and Budget Forecast for the coming year, had all been circulated to members prior to the meeting.

5.1     This is a record of the Report delivered to the AGM by Treasurer Barbara Alty.

 “The Society’s financial activities came to an end in March when Lockdown changed everyone’s lives. Very few transactions have been recorded since then. The cash situation remains healthy, however, with bank and cash balances totalling £6448.14, of which an amount of £664.14 is held in reserve for the C.A.T. Restoration project. Interest of £1.03 was credited to our Money Manager Account. Excluding C.A.T. transactions, income exceeded expenditure by £1767.40.
Membership swelled to 72, and we were extremely pleased that Hanson Cement once again gave us their valuable financial support as corporate members, with a contribution of £500.
Attendance at our public meetings exceeded our expectations, as can be seen from the summary on the attached report. Visitor admittance fees remain an important part of our income.
In the course of the year, we have benefited from the pro bono legal advice of Simon England, of Harrison Drury, with respect to our Clitheroe Wells campaign. Harrison Drury continue as honorary corporate members.
The uncertainty of the coming months has led the Committee to propose adjustments to our Constitution to allow us to align our membership year with our financial year, which runs from 1st August to 31st July.The Committee has further proposed that the 2020 membership should be extended until the 31st July 2021 , with no further charge. If agreed by the Membership, subscriptions in future would be decided at the May meeting of the Society and become due at the AGM with the commencement of the new programme of meetings.

We are fortunate to be in a strong position financially, enabling us to make this proposal. It will, in effect, reduce our income for the forthcoming financial year to an absolute minimum , but we hope it will ensure the continuing support of our members to keep the pressure on our Councillors and Council Officials to recognise the importance of Clitheroe’s heritage assets.
If this proposal is approved we hope that, when subscriptions become due for payment in September 2021 , all of our present members will readily re-join with renewed enthusiasm and that we will be able to resume our public meetings in the convivial atmosphere of St. Michael and St. John’s Hall as soon as government guidance allows.
Barbara Alty

Treasurer, Clitheroe Civic Society. Queries or comments on report

5.2        Approval of Accounts for year end.
Summary spreadsheets showing financial, membership and attendance records were screened, followed by a summary of the CAT restoration project finances. There were no queries raised about the Accounts and the Acting Secretary and Chairman thanked Barbara for her report and diligence throughout the past year. He then proposed a motion that the Annual Accounts for 2019-20 be approved and asked for a seconder to the motion. Dorothy Jackson seconded the motion, and this was carried unanimously. 

6.0  Amendments to Constitution:

the proposed amendments to the Constitution and the reasons for these had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting.
The first amendment motion was:
Amendment to Clause 4 that: Subscriptions shall run from the 1st of August to 31st July. The amount to be decided each year at the May Meeting of the Society and payment to become due at the Annual General Meeting.

The Acting Secretary proposed this amendment. This motion was seconded by Valerie Grooby and it was carried unanimously. The Constitution will be amended accordingly forthwith.

The second amendment motion was:
Addition to Clause 7. Clause 7 (ii) that: Members of the Committee are expected to attend each of the 6 meetings held annually. Prior notice should be given in respect of any absence. Failure to attend at least 50% of the meetings in any membership year may, at the discretion of the committee, be grounds for removal from the Committee.

The Acting Secretary proposed this amendment. This motion was seconded by Shirley Penman and it was carried unanimously. The Constitution will be amended accordingly forthwith.

7.0    Election of Officers and General Committee Members

7.1   Election of Officers

 The Acting Secretary recorded that the ‘Bidding Notice’, issued to all members prior to the AGM, returned only one member standing for each of the three separate Offices. These were as follows: Steve Burke to serve again as Chairman, Barbara Alty to serve once again as Treasurer - and John Spencer to serve as the Society’s Secretary . No other nominations had been received for these posts. The Treasurer requested it be recorded that at the election of a different Officer the Society’s Bank requires the approval by the membership to enable a change in the signatories on the bank mandate. 
The Acting Secretary proposed that these three officers be appointed ‘en block’ to these offices. Janice Tolson seconded this motion, which was carried unanimously.
7.2    Election of General Committee Members

The Acting Secretary recorded that following existing members have agreed to stand once again: Barbara Alty, Steve Burke, Janet Clegg, Geoff Errington, John Spencer, Janice Tolson, Michael Parkinson. Three members have elected not to stand again, and SB gave his thanks to Bill Barker, Ruth Thompson and Jean Parkinson for the work they have put into the General Committee on behalf of the Society.
The Acting Sectary proposed that all of the Committee Members who have agreed to stand again be elected ‘en bloc’ to serve for a further year.The Acting Secretary proposed that the named members be elected ‘en block’ to the General Committee. Dr. David McKinlay seconded this motion, which was carried unanimously.

 8.0 Any Other Business:

BA has contacted Dave Hewitt (RVBC) regarding epicormic growth on the Lime trees at the site of  the old Clitheroe Hospital (Coplow View).  Mr Hewitt has not shown any inclination to undertake  pruning work.  Also, a general query as to who maintains the frontage of the site. There is a need to          chase up the apparently missing information board required by S34 of the Planning Permission which was to have been sited adjacent to the Bus Stop/Shelter on Chatburn Rd. SB will write  to Mc Dermotts  and RVBC  LPA                                                                                                                            

There was no request for any other business and the Chairman thanked all for attending under these unusual circumstances and recorded that the AGM for 2020 concluded at 7.40pm.

 Steve Burke Chairman

Clitheroe Civic Society

5th October 2020

The AGM was followed by the Society’s first illustrated and virtual presentations of the 2020-21 cycle of Public Talks, ‘The Road to Up-Brooks’ given by CCS Member John Lambert.
















Chairman: Steve Burke, 6 Claremont Avenue, Clitheroe, BB7 1JN 01200 425528 Treasurer: Barbara Alty, Shaw Cottage Shawbridge St Clitheroe, BB7 1LZ 01200 429359 Secretary: John Spencer,1 Berkeley Square, Clitheroe, BB7 2RQ 01200 425204


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Monday 04 September 2023

Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 4th September 2023


 1. Chairman’s welcome/introduction.

2.  Apologies for absence.

3. Minutes of AGM 2022.

 3.1 Approval of Minutes.

 3.2 Matters arising from minutes.

4.  Chairman’s Report.

 5. Treasurer’s Report.

6.  Election of Officers.

7.  Election of General Committee.

8.  Any Other Business.

Monday 05 September 2022

Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 5th September 2022


Chairman’s welcome/introduction.

 Apologies for absence.

 Minutes of AGM 2021.

 3.1 Approval of Minutes.

 3.2 Matters arising from minutes.

 Chairman’s Report.

 Treasurer’s Report.

 Election of Officers.

 Election of General Committee.

 Any Other Business.

Monday 06 September 2021

Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 6th September 2021


 Chairman’s welcome/introduction.

 Apologies for absence.

 Minutes of AGM 2020.

 3.1 Approval of Minutes.

 3.2 Matters arising from minutes.

 Chairman’s Report.

 Treasurer’s Report.

 Election of Officers.

 Election of General Committee.

 Any Other Business.



Monday 07 September 2020

Annual General Meeting 2020 Agenda

Due to current Covid Regulations on Public Meetings the meeting to be held ‘virtually’ using Zoom Conferencing’

Monday 02 September 2019

2019 AGM at 7.00