AGM & Committee Meetings
Previous AGM/Meeting
AGM 2022
Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 5th September 2022
Chairman’s welcome/introduction.
Apologies for absence.
Minutes of AGM 2021.
3.1 Approval of Minutes.
3.2 Matters arising from minutes.
Chairman’s Report.
Treasurer’s Report.
Election of Officers.
Election of General Committee.
Any Other Business.
Minutes of Meeting
CCS Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes
7pm. Monday 5 September 2022. Held at The Old School Rooms, Lowergate, Clitheroe.
Officers Present: Peter Llewelyn; John Spencer; Barbara Alty.
Welcome by the Chairman: PL welcomed officers, members and guests to the meeting.
Apologies Received: Steve Burke; Sue Hind, Alan Osborne.
Minutes of the Previous AGM: Held on 6th September 2021
Approval of Minutes: Michael Parkinson proposed they be accepted as a true record which was seconded by Valerie Grooby.
3.2 Matters arising: There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.
4. Report by the Chairman:
CCS Chairman, Peter Llewelyn began by thanking the committee members for their contribution over the past twelve months. Thanks were also extended to those who have contributed to the quarterly journals sent out by the society. He then gave updates on the following initiatives:
CCS has a volunteer group known as ‘Cultivating Clitheroe’. The group is made up of several members who spend a few hours every Monday evening, throughout the summer, attempting to approve the visual appeal of the town centre and areas of the castle grounds. Areas that have been cleaned, planted, tended and generally improved by their efforts are: St Mary’s Well and Heald Well; flower beds at the castle gate and those around the war memorial; the large, sloping bed between the bowling green and the bandstand and the flower/shrub bed in front of the library. The group, led by Barbara Alty, has worked in conjunction with the RVBC Head Gardener and has been partly funded by grants from Clitheroe Town Council and Ribble Valley Borough Council. In addition, the society has purchased and planted a memorial Acer tree which stands in the circular bed at the Town Centre Castle Gate. The tree was planted to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth and the society’s own diamond jubilee. An explanatory plaque will be added to this effect in due course.The Chairman has regular meetings with the ‘Town Team’ which involves interested parties from the Chamber of Trade, the tourist industry, Ribble Valley Borough Council, Clitheroe Town Council. During the last twelve months, the team has discussed improving the state of the town centre regarding paving, litter bins and signage; the effectiveness of policing in the town centre area and how the conservation area could be enhanced. Negotiations regarding funding and implementation of these projects are ongoing.The Clitheroe Town Wells Conservation Committee are continuing their work on preserving the three wells that we have. A heritage survey has been carried out on each well with the conclusion being that they are in reasonably good condition and all wells are structurally stable. There are some repairs to be carried out to Stock Well, however this well belongs to RVBC, responsible for the work required. CCS are looking to install signs or information boards at each well and are actively seeking funding.
The Chairman thanked Gordon Taylor for his involvement on the Bellman Quarry lime kilns.
The Clitheroe Advertising and Times archive is held at the Ribble Valley Council Offices. Currently, anybody wishing to view the archive must make an appointment and visit the offices on Church Walk in person. CCS has arranged for the archive, from 1888 to 1975, to be digitised. When this is complete, it will be available online via a link from the CCS website. This work, funded by CCS, is being carried out by ‘YuDu’, a local company, and should be completed by October of this year. A photo scanner has also been purchased to digitise slides.
The Chairman ended his address by thanking all present for their continuing support and welcomed any suggestions from the assembled company.
5. Treasurer’s Report:
Barbara Alty, as Treasurer, began her report by saying that CCS was in a strong financial position. The current funds stand at £6418.60. The largest expenditure during the year has been plants and equipment used by the ‘Cultivating Clitheroe’ group. In particular, the Acer at the castle gate. In July, there were 91 members, but the expectation is that this number will rise. Steve Burke and Tony Cann are Honorary Members with Hanson Cement and Harrison Drury Solicitors being corporate members. Unfortunately, bank charges are now applied to our account; therefore, online payment is encouraged. The accounts have been verified and signed off by MR E Lloyd-Davies International Banker (rtd). Accounting records are available for scrutiny.
Michael Parkinson proposed the accounts be accepted as a true record which was seconded by Brian Davies.
6. Election of Officers: All existing officers were willing to continue in post and no other nominations had been received.
Chair: Peter Llewelyn.
Secretary: John Spencer
Treasurer: Barbara Alty
Officers proposed by John Lambert and seconded by Geoff Errington.
7. Committee members: All existing members were willing to continue in post and no other nominations had been received.
Janet Clegg, Geoff Errington, Valerie Grooby, Andrew Schofield, Ruth Smith
Committee members proposed by Gordon Taylor and seconded by Michael Parkinson.
8. Any Other Business: No matters raised.
Annual General Meeting closed at 7.44pm
Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 2nd September 2024
Chairman’s welcome/introduction.
Apologies for absence.
3.0 Minutes of AGM 2023.
3.1 Approval of Minutes.
3.2 Matters arising from minutes.
4.0 Amendment to Constitution.
5.0 Chairman’s Report.
6.0 Treasurer’s Report.
7.0 Eelection of Officers.
8.0 Election of General Committee.
9.0 Any Other Business.
Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 4th September 2023
1. Chairman’s welcome/introduction.
2. Apologies for absence.
3. Minutes of AGM 2022.
3.1 Approval of Minutes.
3.2 Matters arising from minutes.
4. Chairman’s Report.
5. Treasurer’s Report.
6. Election of Officers.
7. Election of General Committee.
8. Any Other Business.
Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 5th September 2022
Chairman’s welcome/introduction.
Apologies for absence.
Minutes of AGM 2021.
3.1 Approval of Minutes.
3.2 Matters arising from minutes.
Chairman’s Report.
Treasurer’s Report.
Election of Officers.
Election of General Committee.
Any Other Business.
Clitheroe Civic Society – Annual General Meeting – 6th September 2021
Chairman’s welcome/introduction.
Apologies for absence.
Minutes of AGM 2020.
3.1 Approval of Minutes.
3.2 Matters arising from minutes.
Chairman’s Report.
Treasurer’s Report.
Election of Officers.
Election of General Committee.
Any Other Business.